Home » Accreditation
To further support our learners, ECA offers courses that are currently accredited for NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) NSW. The approved courses outline what professional standard each course is linked to and what learning outcomes can be achieved.
View our accredited courses below. Once you complete a course on the outlined list, complete the request for logging hours form and we will log the required hours for you through the applicable portal.
A teacher’s completion of any accredited PD course will count towards their NESA accredited PD requirements. Any course that is not accredited can be used towards, teacher identified activities or elective PD.
If you have completed a course in the last 14 days that has been NESA approved, complete the applicable online request form with all requested information. This will be evaluated, once approved, will be submitted for accreditation. ECA will use the information supplied to lodge the completion of your professional learning in the relevant state or territory. These will be visible to you within 30 days after we have received the request.
To note: you must provide evidence of completion and log the hours personally prior to ensure the request can be actioned and completed in full within the jurisdiction’s timeframe. Requests can only be logged after the approved accreditation date (these dates are listed next to the course name)
If you are a registered Early Childhood Teacher, please complete this form to submit your request for logging accredited hours for courses completed in 2024/2025.
Please check your course was completed after the approval date listed on this page.
You will be required to provide us with your teacher registration number and upload evidence of completion of the accredited course. By completing this request form you are giving ECA permission to share your personal details with a third party, for more information, please read our privacy statement.
The courses that are currently NESA accredited are:
• An insight into Autism Spectrum Disorder in the early years (2-part series). Approved from- 21/07/2023
• Community of Practice: Literacy and Language in early childhood. Approved from- 12/01/2023
• Community of Practice: Play-based learning in early childhood. Approved from- 12/01/2023
• Community of Practice: STEM. Approved from- 10/01/2023
• ECA Leadership Program. Approved from 31/07/2024
• Engaging with digital documentation and technology series. Approved from- 20/10/2022
To ensure that we meet NESA’s required timeframe – you as the learner must notify us within 14 days of completion of the course. These requests will be processed at the start of the next calendar month.
Please complete the request form with all the required information. This will be evaluated and submitted for accreditation. Once approved ECA will use the information supplied to lodge the completion of your professional learning in the relevant state or territory. These will be processed at the start of the next calendar month.
You must provide evidence of completion and log the hours personally prior to ensure the request can be actioned and completed in full within the jurisdiction’s timeframes.
1. You must complete the course in full before requesting ECA to log the accredited hours. All ECA courses must have the ECA certificate of completion to be valid
2. Any course, series or programs with multiple courses or parts only need to have one request form. Noting- that attendees will not be credited with their PL hours until all courses and parts are complete, and a certificate of completion is provided for all parts of the course, series or program
3. You can only put through a request for courses on the approved list from the date ECA received the accreditation approval
4. NESA – To ensure that we meet the required timeframe, you must notify us within 14 days of course completion. NESA requests will be processed at the start of the next calendar month, we have until the end of the next calendar month to process requests
5. If your request is rejected for any reason, you will receive written notification via email to advise why. It is the responsibility of the requesting teacher to ensure all details are true and correct and that requests have been made before the session ending
6. Requests for accreditation hours to be logged after the session has ended will not be processed.