
Encouraging belonging in early childhood education and care

Early Childhood Australia in collaboration with AERO has launched a comprehensive practice guide focused on nurturing a profound sense of belonging and connectedness in early childhood education and care (ECEC).


By implementing the approaches recommended in this guide, ECEC professionals can create an inclusive and nurturing environment where children feel valued, respected, and empowered to actively participate in their learning journey.

Extensive research underscores the transformative impact of belonging and connectedness on children’s academic performance and the creation of a positive and supportive educational environment.

This guide is tailored to educators, teachers and leaders working across diverse early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings. It outlines evidence-based best practices for improving a sense of belonging and connectedness in children aged birth to 5 years. Our goal is to empower educators and teachers to support their practice effectively and inform their future planning.

Explore evidence-based strategies for authentic connections, culturally safe environments, and empowering children’s agency.

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