
Annual Subscription Courses

As an ECA Learning Hub Subscriber, you will have access to the following courses:

  1. A conversation with Dr Stuart Shanker
  2. A good place to be a child: Creating effective early learning environments
  3. ABC Kids: Exploring science content knowledge with Imagine This
  4. Acting Ethically: Exploring the ECA Code of Ethics
  5. An insight into Autism Spectrum Disorder in the early years: Part one
  6. An insight into Autism Spectrum Disorder in the early years: Part two
  7. Anti-bias approaches in early childhood
  8. Being the champion for children impacted by trauma and adversity
  9. Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework (V2.0)
  10. Beyond the rainbow: Making a difference for all families
  11. Big life events: Impacts on children, families and communities
  12. Bullying and Harassment for Employees
  13. Bullying and Harassment for Managers and Supervisors
  14. Child safe organisations – Introduction to the National Principles
  15. Child safe organisations – National Principle 1
  16. Child safe organisations – National Principle 2
  17. Child safe organisations – National Principle 3
  18. Child safe organisations – National Principle 4
  19. Child safe organisations – National Principle 5
  20. Child safe organisations – National Principle 6
  21. Child safe organisations – National Principle 7
  22. Child safe organisations – National Principle 8
  23. Child safe organisations – National Principle 9
  24. Child safe organisations – National Principle 10
  25. Communication in the workplace
  26. Creating a community of support for children and families experiencing vulnerability
  27. Dealing with stress, pressure and burnout in education settings
  28. Delving deeper into documenting and assessing children’s learning
  29. Developing and maintaining a Quality Improvement Plan
  30. Documenting and assessing children’s learning with Dr Anne Kennedy
  31. Duty of care: Work health and safety in education and care
  32. Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: Now or never, a time for urgent change
  33. Emotion Coaching: A transformational tool
  34. Engaging with digital documentation and technology – Part one: Children and families
  35. Engaging with digital documentation and technology – Part two: Educators
  36. Engaging with digital documentation and technology – Part three: Management and leadership
  37. Engineering creativity: Celebrating loose parts play for all ages
  38. Environments for learning: Intentional spaces
  39. eSafety Early Years: Creating a safe online environment
  40. eSafety Early Years: We MAKE and DO with technology
  41. eSafety Early Years: We SAY and SHARE with technology
  42. eSafety Early Years: We WATCH and EXPLORE with technology
  43. Every child has a right to be included
  44. Fostering trusting relationships to support children with anxiety
  45. Indoor environments: Spaces for children
  46. Initiating a Reconciliation Action Plan: Where do I start?
  47. Introducing inclusion: Looking at diversity and adversity through an inclusive framework
  48. Introduction to the National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care
  49. Let’s talk: Creating a culture of learning – places of teaching and learning for everyone
  50. Making connections with neurodivergent children through play: Part one
  51. Making connections with neurodivergent children through play: Part two
  52. Managing challenging exchanges: Responding professionally
  53. Maths is everywhere
  54. Music in early childhood: Part one
  55. Music in early childhood: Part two
  56. My time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care (V2.0): Part one
  57. My time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care (V2.0): Part two
  58. NAIDOC Week: Stories of practice
  59. Partnerships with Communities
  60. Partnerships with families
  61. Partnerships with families for inclusive practice: Part one
  62. Partnerships with families for inclusive practice: Part two
  63. Philosophy leading strategy: Part one
  64. Philosophy leading strategy: Part two
  65. Philosophy leading strategy: Part three
  66. Play-based learning: Using the Pedagogical Play-framework
  67. Playing with gratitude
  68. Privacy awareness in children’s services
  69. Professionalism and identity in early childhood education and care: Who we are what we do
  70. Professionalism, paperwork and pedagogy: Leading professional practice in long day care
  71. Putting art in place: Part one
  72. Putting art in place: Part two
  73. Reconciliation in children’s education and care―Taking the first steps
  74. Rediscovering the planning cycle: EYLF (V2.0)
  75. Rediscovering the planning cycle: MTOP (V2.0)
  76. Respect: A guide to calm and nurturing infant care and education
  77. Routines and transitions: Embracing opportunities for learning
  78. Settling multiple children in early education and care settings
  79. STEM inquiry: Co-constructed environments for curious minds
  80. Supporting bilingualism during early childhood
  81. Supporting children’s self-regulation: 3-5 years
  82. Supporting children’s self-regulation: birth to three years
  83. Supporting language development in the early years
  84. Take me outside: An introduction to outdoor learning
  85. Taking notice and taking care
  86. The art of leading in challenging times
  87. The planning cycle: Rediscovered
  88. The value of play
  89. Understanding and making art: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art in early childhood settings
  90. Understand the role: Nominated supervisor and person in day-to-day charge in education and care
  91. Understanding young children’s behaviour and empowering their future: Part one
  92. Understanding young children’s behaviour and empowering their future: Part two
  93. Using Critical Reflection
  94. Walking with children on their journey to literacy: Practitioner perspectives
  95. Wellbeing matters: Let your wellbeing thrive!
  96. Wellbeing matters: A guide to why wellbeing matters at work
  97. Working with the ECA Code of Ethics
  98. Your home, your business: Part one
  99. Your home, your business: Part two

This course is not available as a part of a standard Learning Hub Annual Subscription that is hosted on an external platform or Learning Management System. This course is for ECA Learning Hub LMS users only:

  • Induction essentials: A beginners guide to education and care

New Program!

The Early Childhood Australia Learning Hub is pleased to announce the launch of a new program! 

Brought to you by Early Childhood Australia and the NSW Department of Education, this program aims to support nominated supervisors, approved providers and Persons with management or control (PMCs) to understand risk, compliance, and best practice principles of governance across key areas of regulation and the National Quality Standards.