
Breaking out: Advancing outdoor learning program


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National Quality Standard
QA1Educational program and practice
QA2Children’s health and safety
QA3Physical environment
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
2Know the content and how to teach it
3Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
4Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments


Dr Yeshe Colliver
Dr Yeshe Colliver is an Honorary Lecturer at the Macquarie School of Education. He has worked in early childhood education and care  settings for nearly a decade in multiple cities across the world, including Osaka (Japan), Ulsan (South Korea), Wakayama (Japan), Concepcion (Chile), Granada (Spain) and Honiara (Solomon Islands).


This program, Breaking out: Advancing outdoor learning, allows the learner to deeply explore theory, knowledge and new understandings in the provision of outdoor learning environments and experiences for young children. This program is highly recommended for early childhood teachers, educators with advanced diplomas and educational leaders.

The program is divided into three courses:

  • Active play and risk
  • Affordance theory
  • Intentionality in practice.

The Active play and risk course will explore contemporary research in order to deepen the understanding of the benefits of active play and risk as part of the outdoor learning environment. It calls for deep reflection and reconsideration of risk, transforming its usual negative associations to one where its benefits are highlighted.

The Affordance theory course will explore the relationship between children and the environment and the possibilities for action within the environment. It will encourage you to reflect on your own perceptions of the environment and consider how the outdoor environment can be maximised to support children’s engagement in learning.

The Intentionality in practice course will explore the continuum of teaching strategies as part of your intentional teaching moments. It will encourage you to consider the balance of experiences and highlight the appropriate ways of being intentional, depending on where the learning experience sits on the continuum.

In this program, you will:

  • revise key guidelines relating to active play and risk
  • understand and utilise Affordance Theory in the provision of outdoor environments and materials
  • recognise and support young children’s agency in outdoor learning
  • appreciate the evidence base of intentionality and how it is enacted outdoors.


Recommended for: This program is suitable for advanced diploma- and university-qualified early childhood education and care professionals who are seeking ways to enrich their thinking in relation to research and theory, and advance practice in outdoor learning environments.

Before starting this program, ensure you have a sound understanding of:

  • why outdoor learning matters
  • how you can create rich outdoor learning spaces
  • the value of intentionality and how this can enrich a child’s physically active play
  • how children can take healthy risks and challenges in supportive outdoor environments.

Duration: 1.5 hours (30 minutes per course)