
Exploring play-based digital learning


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Alannah & Madeline Foundation
The Alannah & Madeline Foundation is a national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to keeping children and young people free from violence and trauma wherever they live, learn and play.
Catharine Hydon
Catharine Hydon is the Director and Principal Consultant at Hydon Consulting. She has a master’s degree in early childhood education and extensive experience in the sector.
Emily Wilden
Emily is a program delivery advisor with the eSmart team at the foundation and has been delivering workshops around online safety for two years. Emily uses her background and experience in teaching to talk with teachers, students and their families around becoming smart, safe and responsible digital citizens and is committed to building safe online...
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Kathy Warwick
Kathy is the Head of TraCS (Trauma Consultancy Service) and has worked as a social worker for 30 years. She supports a team of Trauma consultants delivering trauma informed relationships based practice to educators in the Early Years sector. Kathy and her team have experience in working with vulnerable and at risk children and families...
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Digital technologies, networks and tools are a big part of many children’s lives. When we observe the ideas that children bring into their play within early childhood settings we often see stories and concepts that stem from the digital world. As early childhood professionals working with young children we have a responsibility to ensure that children know and understand how to access and use these digital platforms in a safe and responsible way.


In this webinar, Catharine Hydon and the team from the Alannah & Madeline Foundation will discuss:

  • how to engage children in digital learning in play-based ways
  • what safe digital play and learning may look like in a variety of setting types
  • Playing IT Safe tools and resources that can be utilised with children from birth.


Duration: 1 hour