
A good place to be a child: Creating effective early learning environments

By Dr Luke Touhill


Subscription This course is available as a part of an ECA Learning Hub annual subscription


National Quality Standard
QA1Educational program and practice
QA2Children’s health and safety
QA3Physical environment
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
3Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
4Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
7Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community


Dr Luke Touhill
Luke Touhill has worked in early childhood education for over 20 years as a teacher, director, manager, trainer and lecturer.


According to architect Christopher Day, a building for small children must be magical and full of reverent wonder, like an ancient fairy tale.

The physical environment—often known as the ‘third teacher’—is a key factor underpinning good practice, and the way in which it is organised can shape children’s behaviour as learners. A carefully planned and well-organised environment can offer a range of learning experiences for children and adults alike.

In this on-demand webinar, Dr Luke Touhill talks about creating effective early learning environments that can capture the image of the child and shape the behaviour of both children and adults. He also examines what makes a successful learning environment.

This course will help you:

  • reflect on the thinking that goes behind the environments educators provide
  • understand how the environment you provide reflects and supports your image of the child
  • discover the ways in which the physical environment shapes the behaviour of children and adults.


Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes