
Supporting children’s self-regulation: birth to three years

By Karen Bonson



National Quality Standard
QA1Educational program and practice
QA5Relationships with children
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
3Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
6Engage in professional learning


Prof. Andrea Nolan
Andrea is Professor of Early Childhood Education at Deakin University. She has had extensive experience teaching in early childhood settings as well as in primary schools, TAFE and the university sector.
Karen Bonson
Karen has been an Early Childhood Teacher at Gowrie Victoria, Docklands, since 2010. She has a Master of Teaching degree from Deakin University.


In this module, we focus on how educators can help very young children to learn how to understand, name and manage their emotions, and to begin self-regulating their own behaviour. This work builds on solid relationships between children and educators, and helps children to build strong foundations for learning and communication throughout their lives.


The module will provide you with an understanding of:

  • what self-regulation is
  • the importance of supporting children to self-regulate their emotions and behaviour
  • tips for building self-regulation in children, and
  • the role of the educator in supporting self-regulation.

Suitable for early childhood education and care professionals at all stages of their careers and particularly for educators working with children aged from birth to 3 years.


Duration: 2 hours