
Working in intercultural ways: Relational perspectives



National Quality Standard
QA1Educational program and practice
QA2Children’s health and safety
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
1Know students and how they learn
2Know the content and how to teach it
6Engage in professional learning
7Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community


Jessica Staines
Jessica Staines is an early childhood educator, professional speaker, author, advocate and advisor. As the founder and director of Koori Curriculum, Jessica is committed to helping educators embed Aboriginal perspectives into early childhood education.
ECA Learning Hub
The ECA Learning Hub team is based in Early Childhood Australia's National Office which is located in Canberra, Australia. Our small team develops professional development resources for educators and other professionals working with young children from birth to eight.


This course is only available as part of the Working in intercultural ways program.

This course is for all educators at any stage of their reconciliation and cultural responsiveness journey. It is also for those who want to continue or renew and rediscover knowledge on their reconciliation journey, individually or as part of their service team.

In this course, you will explore reconciliation through a relational lens, highlighting the importance of working in intercultural ways and seeking knowledge about having an authentic connection to Country and local Aboriginal communities. You will have the opportunity to understand the importance of your role, individually and collectively, in supporting and facilitating connections with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. A focus on understanding custodianship and the protocols surrounding these connections is explored in depth. The case studies included highlight the importance of responsive and reciprocal relationships, and why these are central to connecting and working in intercultural ways with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. You will also discover examples of how to create culturally safe and responsive learning environments that are respectful and that value integrity, whilst also taking children on the journey of reconciliation through meaningful engagement, relationship building, and understanding the importance of spending time and caring for Country from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspective.

After completing this course, you will be able to apply the following learning outcomes.

  • Identify why relationships are central to reconciliation.
  • Delve deeper to understand the term and practice ‘Connecting with Country’ and the importance of sharing this knowledge with children.
  • Discover how to connect with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
  • Develop knowledge of protocols for working with Aboriginal communities, and the foundations of a community stakeholders list.
  • Uncover how to create culturally safe and responsive environments for Aboriginal educators.

Duration: 2.5 hours