
Professional Learning Guide

At Early Childhood Australia (ECA) we believe that professional learning should meet your needs as an educator. This includes face-to-face events and conferences, live online events, printed publications and magazines, and online courses and programs. All content produced by ECA is reviewed and undergoes rigorous quality-assurance processes, ensuring you will have evidenced-based tools and resources that inspire quality.

In this issue we are pleased to present an overview of some of ECA’s professional learning, including online modules and webinars, publications and printed resources, and events. We hope that this breadth of resources is beneficial for you and your teams.

Our work is mapped to the National Quality Standard (NQS)—as this may help you in your considerations. 

If you wish to know more about what professional learning options ECA have on offer, please contact us on 02 6242 1800 and we will assist you.

Plan for your Professional Learning 

ECA recognises that professional learning is important for educators and teams and that high-value professional learning is inherently linked to quality outcomes for children. As you consider these resources, we encourage you to plan for and prioritise and develop professional learning plans for yourself and your teams. 

Professional Learning Plans

Everyone writes professional learning plans in a different format. Below are some options for your consideration, but we’d love to hear from you to explore what works best for you. If you have something you’d like to share with the sector or would like to provide feedback on these options, please email us at: learninghub@earlychildhood.org.au.

Team Leaders – This Professional Learning Plan is for those of you who are working with groups of educators, either in a room, a service (or scheme) or across multiple services. This template is in word and so you can edit and adapt it for your needs. 

Individual educators and teachers – this Professional Learning Plan is for individual teachers and educators as you plan your own professional learning. This template is in word and so you can edit and adapt it for your needs.

Visual Professional Learning Plan – this Professional Learning Plan is presented in a visual format. This template is in word and so you can edit and adapt it for your needs.

What Professional Learning does ECA provide?

Early Childhood Australia Publications

Early Childhood Australia has been producing innovative and essential early childhood publications and resources for over 50 years. ECA is a leading and reputable early childhood publisher with a dedicated team of editors and designers who are passionate about their work and can guarantee the excellence and usefulness of our publications. All publications are quality-assured, up to date and written by experienced early childhood professionals. Find more information about subscribing to ECA Publications, or visit the ECA Shop to purchase publications produced by ECA.

Early Childhood Australia Events

ECA’s Events team delivers a range of national and local events and conferences each year. Our conferences and events ranges in size from 40 delegates up to 2000 delegates, with a mix of ECA-owned, public and client events. Our events are delivered with the highest quality, evidence-based and outcomes-focused professional learning and offer support to early childhood professionals, educators and service leaders.  View the latest ECA Events.

Early Childhood Australia Learning Hub

Established in 2016, the ECA Learning Hub is well regarded for producing high-quality online professional learning. We engage topic experts from the early childhood sector to translate research and identify best practice to develop professional learning that speaks the language of educators and teachers and can be used across the diversity of settings educators may be working in. Online courses are designed to be accessible, affordable and contemporary to ensure quality professional learning is available, no matter where and when it is needed. Start learning with the ECA Learning Hub today by registering for a one-off module, webinar or series, or by purchasing an online subscription in just minutes.