
Joanne Goodwin

Black and white headshot of Jo Goodwin

Joanne Goodwin


Joanne (Jo) Goodwin is a descendant of the Wonnarua peoples and was born in Singleton, NSW. Jo has extensive experience in the early childhood profession and has worked nationally with a range of not-for-profit organisations and governments to lead innovative programs for children, their families and communities. Jo is currently serving as the co-chair of Early Childhood Australia’s Reconciliation Advisory Group and is a regular contributor to ECA publications.

All eLearning by Joanne Goodwin

New Program!

The Early Childhood Australia Learning Hub is pleased to announce the launch of a new program! 

Brought to you by Early Childhood Australia and the NSW Department of Education, this program aims to support nominated supervisors, approved providers and Persons with management or control (PMCs) to understand risk, compliance, and best practice principles of governance across key areas of regulation and the National Quality Standards.