
Michelle Gujer

Black and white headshot of Michelle Gujer

Michelle Gujer


Michelle Gujer is the Manager of the Children’s Program at Gowrie Victoria-Broadmeadows Valley. A 30-year career in managing early childhood services, training and health sector experience, signifies her commitment in fostering the development of educators through supportive leadership, mentoring and shared decision making to lead change that enriches team development.  Michelle believes a strong commitment to building community partnerships, engagement, and relationships that acknowledging families as children’s first educators are fundamental to enrich a community approach to support teaching and learning and ensure best possible outcomes for everyone.

All eLearning by Michelle Gujer

New Program!

The Early Childhood Australia Learning Hub is pleased to announce the launch of a new program! 

Brought to you by Early Childhood Australia and the NSW Department of Education, this program aims to support nominated supervisors, approved providers and Persons with management or control (PMCs) to understand risk, compliance, and best practice principles of governance across key areas of regulation and the National Quality Standards.